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Dr Jean-Paul Vincent FRS FMedSci

Job Title
Senior Group Leader
The Francis Crick Institute
Year elected



morphogen gradients, Wnt signalling, epithelial biology, cell adhesion, growth and apoptosis, molecular genetics of Drosophilia

Online Information

Lab Website

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Institute Website

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Jean-Paul Vincent is a leading and highly respected developmental biologist who has made a number of major contributions to the understanding of fundamental molecular and cellular mechanisms relevant to disease, in particular cancer. His laboratory uses the powerful fruitfly system to analyse how Wnt signals control the differentiation and growth of tissues. He has discovered that the range of action of these signals is controlled by endocytosis, and has uncovered underlying molecular players that control the secretion and spreading of signal. In addition, he has identified novel mechanisms underlying the interpretation of Wnt signals by cells. These studies give important insights into how abnormal Wnt signalling acts in the formation of tumours. In a related line of research, Jean-Paul Vincent is uncovering molecular pathways by which cells that have an abnormal specification are eliminated from tissues. This phenomenon underlies the homeostatic maintenance of tissues when defective cells form, such as in cancer. His discoveries are thus providing an understanding of mechanisms of cell signalling and tissue homeostasis that is an essential basis for translational work on diseases in which these processes are altered. Jean-Paul is also actively involved with drug discovery, using his expertise in cell signalling.

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