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Twitter, TV and beyond: using communications to build influence

00.00, Monday 28 April 2014

41 Portland Place Academy of Medical Sciences


Are you new to media engagement and curious about the possibilities?

Are you keen to promote your research on television or on the pages of a national newspaper?

Are you the next social media sensation - engaging the public directly through Twitter?

*Event now also open to non-clinicians*

This workshop aims to support clinical and non-clinical researchers who want to use traditional and social media to spread their influence. You will:

  • Hear from researchers who engage with the media.
  • Learn how to approach media engagement proactively.
  • Network with like-minded clinical academics.

Professor Sophie Scott FMedSci, University College London, will give the keynote talk on her career and why engaging with the media has enhanced her career. Professor Scott is a veteran of Twitter and appears regularly on television. She is even known to do a bit of stand up comedy!

Other speakers include Professor Sir Simon Wessely FMedSci and Fiona Fox.

This FREE event is open to clinical and non-clinical PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. Spaces are limited.

If you have any questions please email [email protected].

Download a full agenda

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