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The App-othecary: Is the future of medicine calling?

00.00, Tuesday 18 November 2014

The Strand Somerset House


Would you trust your smart phone to prescribe your medication? Could your mobile monitor your mental and physical health?

Health apps are getting progressively more sophisticated. They allow us to connect with doctors in new and innovative ways, and have the potential to make a huge impact on how we treat the sick and monitor the well.

Apps could connect us to specialist equipment without visiting a hospital, let us see the spread of disease in real time, and put power into the hands of patients. But are we in danger of replacing qualified physicians with virtual quacks?

Join us to hear about the latest developments, question experts and test out new technology.


Taking to the stage:

How can we quickly identify, monitor and track infectious diseases using mobile phones? 
Professor Sanjeev Krishna FMedSci, SGUL

The 7 deadly sins of health app development, and what can happen when things go wrong? 
Mr Richard Brady, Western General Hospital, NHS Lothian 

Can mobile gaming help smokers give up the habit?
Dr Elizabeth Edwards, QMUL

Our host for the evening will be Dr Jack Lewis, neuroscience author, broadcaster and consultant.

There will be a chance to try out a game on the spot, and attendees are also encouraged to bring their own devices to download and test apps on the night. 

Tweet along using #AMSapp

Refreshments will be provided. Doors open from 7pm.

Tickets are available through our Eventbrite page.

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