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Team Science - Call for Evidence

This call for written evidence ran from Monday 15 September 2014 to Friday 7 November 2014.

It is now closed. However, expressions of interest in the project are welcomed - please contact the Lead Secretariat.

The Academy of Medical Sciences invites input into a Working Group study considering the benefits and challenges to biomedical researchers of participating in collaborative ‘team science’.

This call seeks input from all organisations and individuals with an interest or concern in ‘team science’ within and beyond the UK. This will particularly include:

  • Individual researchers
  • Organisations representing researchers
  • Employers of researchers
  • Research publishers
  • Research funders – including those undertaking research assessment exercises

We would be grateful if you would circulate this call for evidence to other interested parties.

Please read the 'Important notes and guidance for responders' (below) fully before submitting evidence. For example, to understand how we plan to anonymise individual researchers' responses.

For those who would prefer to respond offline, the questions are available for download as a Microsoft Word .docx format file. Please fill in your responses in the file and email it to us by the deadline.

To submit evidence online, please click on the red box at the top or bottom of the page.

Important notes and guidance for responders

Material already published elsewhere should not form the basis of a submission, but may be referred to within a submission, in which case it should be clearly referenced, preferably with a hyperlink.

You should be careful not to comment on matters currently before a court of law, or matters in respect of which court proceedings are imminent. If you anticipate such issues arising, you should discuss with the Lead Secretariat, Dr Richard Malham, how this might affect your submission.

Individuals or organisations providing written evidence may subsequently be invited to provide oral evidence to the Working Group. This would involve them expanding on their written submission and potentially being posed novel questions of interest to the study.

The Academy reserves the right to:

  • Publicise information about who has responded.
    • For organisational responses, this would be limited to the name of the organisation.
    • For individual researchers' responses, this would be limited to aggregate data on the career stages and host institutions of respondents.
  • Publish any responses submitted.
    • For organisational responses, this will be in full and not in an anonymised form, unless you have obtained approval from the Lead Secretariat, Dr Richard Malham.
    • For individual researchers' responses, only the Secretariat will see your response in full. We will provide the Working Group members with, and publish, only anonymised quotes and aggregate information regarding individual researchers’ responses. The Secretariat would only de-anonymise your response if we have obtained your explicit permission.

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